
Christmas Orders 2024

Topside of Beef

Our Surrey Beef topside joint is the perfect Sunday roasting joint. Its natural fat layer helps add a depth of flavour and prevents the meat from drying out during cooking.
This beef is 21+ days matured on the bone before we butcher it down and tie it in house. We recommend 200g-250g per person.

Quantity Weight Price Total

Basket Items


750g - 1kg

1 - 1.5kg

1.5 - 2kg

2 - 2.5kg

2.5 - 3kg

3 - 3.5kg

Our Surrey Beef topside joint is the perfect Sunday roasting joint. Its natural fat layer helps add a depth of flavour and prevents the meat from drying out during cooking.

This beef is 21+ days matured on the bone before we butcher it down and tie it in house.

We recommend 200g-250g per person.

Remove from the fridge at least 20 minutes before cooking.
Roast on 220 for the first 20 minutes, then turn down to 180 and finish cook.
Calculate cooking times on 25 minutes per 500g for medium rare.
Rest for atleast 10 minutes before carving and serving.
Internal temperature should be :
49 - rare
54 - medium rare
60 - medium
65 - medium well
68+ - well done

English Surrey Beef